26 July 2017 - Cigna UK HealthCare Benefits (Cigna) today announces the launch of its newest service, an optional, customized extension of cover for its dental plans which allows customers to add family members, including parents, parents-in-law and older children, to their corporate dental plans.
This new option meets the needs of customers who are considered part of the ‘Sandwich Generation’. They find themselves responsible for the care and providing healthcare cover for members of their extended families. Sometimes, they can be in the difficult position of choosing between supporting their own children and providing much-needed care for their aging parents.
“These responsibilities can cause financial strain and stress for the caregiver, which can have performance and productivity implications in the workplace,” said Phil Austin, Cigna UK HealthCare Benefits Managing Director. “For this reason, it’s important that employers offer services that can positively impact employee productivity and an employer’s bottom-line.”
The new dental family care service offers customers the option of selecting the level of cover best suited for themselves, and their unique family situation and needs. The level of dentist charges covered can be tailored to individuals on a customer’s plan. For example, the level of cover a customer chooses for him or herself may be different from the level of cover the individual chooses for parents, parents-in-law and/or older children. The single rate (not the family member rate) applies per relative, making this a truly tailored, competitive and comprehensive option.
Family dental cover is available for small-large sized clients, on a company paid or flex salary sacrifice basis, and on all levels of cover within both of Cigna’s DentaCare and OralHealth dental plans. Customers benefit from having immediate access to Cigna’s comprehensive benefits, without the need to be underwritten.
Austin continues: “Good company practices which support caregivers can help employers retain qualified and valued employees. Providing expanded benefits as part of employee benefits package is one measure that many employers are beginning to implement. Our dental family cover option has been specifically designed for this; it’s another way that Cigna is advancing its mission of helping people improve their health, well-being and sense of security.”
For more information please contact: Nicola.Thomson2@Cigna.com