Mental Health
A guide to the professionals you can use
There are a range of professionals who can help with mental health issues and this list tells you the different types we recognise. Remember - if you’re aged 18 or over, you may refer yourself to our preferred provider for psychotherapy, or psychiatric care, where you believe that you require treatment for the symptoms of a specific mental health disorder. Check your member guide for full details of your cover and always call your Cigna helpline to have your claim pre-authorised.
Mental Health Therapist:
- a psychotherapist holding a minimum of a diploma in a recognised therapy for evidence based treatment, who is accredited by any of the following:
- the British Association of Cognitive and Behavioural Psychotherapists
- the United Kingdom’s Council of Psychotherapy
- the Health Care Professions Council for Psychologists
- the British Psychoanalytic Council
- the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy
- the National Counselling Society
- a clinical psychologist holding a doctorate in clinical psychology, and registered with both the British Psychological Society and the Health Care Professions Council for Psychologists;
- a counselling psychologist holding a doctorate in counselling psychology, and registered with both the British Psychological Society and the Health Care Professions Council for Psychologists;
- a medical psychotherapist who is a consultant psychiatrist, appearing on the General Medical Council Psychotherapy Register.