I've not been to see my GP

How we can help

We understand you might want to see your GP before starting a course of treatment. But we also know that getting a GP appointment is becoming increasingly difficult.

Here are some useful things to bear in mind when you visit your GP:

Before you make an appointment

Remember you can see any GP in your NHS practice. You will often wait longer for an appointment with a specific GP.

In the NHS telephone consultations are often available with your GP. These are usually quicker to access than face to face appointments.

Your employer may provide access to private GP services, either on-site or near your place of work. Speak to your HR department to find out more.
There are private GP services available in many parts of the country which you can access for a fee.

During your appointment

If your GP recommends you need diagnostic tests, there is no need to see a specialist first. Your plan allows your GP to refer for the following diagnostic tests:

You should always contact us to check your cover before going ahead with any treatment.

We also understand that you might not be at the stage where you are ready to start treatment for your condition:

And remember your Cigna helpline is available to support you throughout your journey.

Your Cigna nurse helpline is available Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm, Saturday 9am to 12pm.

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