A guide for business: How to lead a hybrid workforce
The pandemic has brought with it a dramatic change in the work setting. Find out more.
Offering medical coverage to the workforce, the ideal tool for SMEs to attract and retain the best talent
One of the main demands made of employers by the workforce as regards well-being is for improved health coverage. Find out more.
Health specialist advice for your SME wellness plan
Employees who feel valued and cared for are employees who feel happy, efficient and productive. That is why looking after their whole health is key to a successful SME. Find out more.
Five future whole health and wellness trends that will set your SME apart
As a result of the pandemic, the concept of a culture of prevention and self-care in matters of whole health is no longer an option for SMEs, but a necessity. Find out more.
Build the best SME health plan
With just a few weeks to go before the start of the New Year, now is the time to anticipate employees’ needs in terms of whole health. Find out more.
Is your SME embarking on a transformation process? Here are the keys to protecting your employees’ well-being
Change is vital in business. The markets are constantly changing and all businesses –particularly SMEs– must address this challenge in order to adapt and remain at the forefront. Find out more.
The impact of COVID-19 on the dental industry
With many providers bearing the brunt of declining patient numbers and the increased costs associated with infection control, we asserted that the time needed for dental services to recover from the impact of COVID-19 would be significant. Find out more.
The road to healthy SME: Discover the keys to achieve better business results through employee Whole Health
The concept of health is changing, which is why we must look at the full picture rather than focusing on mind and body, health and sickness or work life and home environment. Find out more.
UK dental 2021+ market trends
The link between good oral health and overall body health has helped dentistry services across the UK maintain encouraging levels of activity despite the pandemic limiting treatment capacities. Find out more.
Everything you need to measure the results (and success) of a health and wellness plan in a SME
Measures to improve employees’ health and well-being have become one of the most effective strategies used by SMEs. Find out more.
How do you successfully implement a well-being plan in a SME?
Caring for employees’ health and well-being is a key issue that large, medium and small businesses alike must address. Find out more
Offering family health cover from the SME, first step in providing employees with comprehensive health care
COVID-19 is putting the emotional health of employees at all levels to the test, particularly where family wellness is concerned. Find out more
Why is it important to implement a health and wellness plan in a small or medium-sized enterprise?
As the working environment changes and personal well-being acquires a central role, offering employees healthcare-focused benefits is increasingly important, irrespective of the size of the organisation. Find out more
Building structural COVID-19 resilience through a fundamental focus on healthier living
COVID-19 has impacted us in ways no one could ever have predicted and the whole health of individuals has suffered as a result. Find out more.
The crucial role of data when supporting clients through COVID-19
Every industry has been impacted in some way, shape or form since the World Health Organization (WHO) classified COVID-19 as a global pandemic in March 2020. Find out more.
How to protect employees’ mental health during COVID-19 – no matter where they are in the world.
At the start of 2020 no-one had heard of COVID-19, and global pandemics were often thought to be something resigned to the history books and days gone by. Fast forward nine months, and there’s not a single person that hasn’t been affected by the crisis, including companies and employees all across the world. Find out more.
Trends in health and well-being plans for SMEs: how t be at the forefront in 2021
2020 has been a relevant year for businesses, showing that now it is more important than ever to look after your employees by setting up well-structured and well-implemented health & well-being plans. Find out more.
Holiday depression, compulsive shopping or social phobia: The other side of Christmas for many
According to the World Health Organization, 44 per cent of the population suffers from symptoms of anxiety, depression or sadness at this time. Find out more.
Seven New Year's resolutions that we never make and which are also good for our health
Losing weight, quitting smoking, eating healthy, drinking less alcohol and keeping fit are some of the healthiest resolutions that we make every New Year and which aim to radically change our everyday habits. Find out more.
Nine trends that will mark people management in organisations in 2021
In recent months, human resources departments have had to respond to a number of different challenges, in particular organisational changes due to teleworking, the impetus of the digital transformation and a higher degree of risk to staff’s physical and emotional health. Find out more.
The dark side of Christmas
Social expectations and how we adapt our interactions with others around COVID-19 restrictions, together with an increase in our spending, can all trigger high levels of stress during the holiday season. Find out more.
Addressing a 5 point workplace cancer strategy
It’s vital that businesses understand the impact of cancer on the workplace and take the right approach to managing it. Find out more
Purchasing health insurance is investing in your SME: committing to the health of your employees also generates an ROI
Now, more than ever, SMEs need to take care of their workforces, look out for their physical and mental well-being and offer them the security of being able to access health care whenever they need it. Find out more
Mental health: what health insurance can do for the emotional wellness of employees of SMEs
A company wishing to take care of its staff's overall wellness can have no better partner than a health insurer. Find out more
Why take out a health insurance policy for employees at your SME?
Any action designed to improve employee health is always an investment for the future, leading to many tangible and intangible benefits. Find out more
Keep checking-in – it makes a difference
The Cigna Check-In campaign encourages everyone to check-in on their friends, family members and colleagues. Find out more
How important is avoiding presenteeism in the wake of COVID-19
For many businesses, working from home isn’t new and is something many have had in place since laptops and dial up internet made it possible. Find out more
Why talking about mental health can improve your overall happiness
Being able to talk and open up about stress is crucial. We often speak to several people throughout the day – be it family members, friends, colleagues or even strangers. Find out more
What is a ‘check-in’ culture and how do I implement one?
Employers have a duty of care for their workforce as they return to work to ensure their physical health and safety as well as their mental health is the top priority. Find out more
Embracing the digital age within healthcare
We live in an age where we’re busier than ever with demanding work commitments, an active home life and pressures to stay fit and healthy. Find out more
Promoting positive emotional wellbeing in the workplace
Happy and healthy employees are the driving force behind every successful business. Find out more
Understanding health and wellbeing in the workplace
What does good health and wellbeing look like? With so many factors influencing how someone feels, it can be a difficult question to answer. Find out more
The emerging role of digital in employee health & wellbeing strategies
Digital tools are transforming the private healthcare market. Healthcare providers who have embraced this technology shift are moving towards a customer-centred model of care. Find out more
Tips for selecting a dental plan for your business
In today’s market, being able to offer a comprehensive employee benefits package is essential for attracting and retaining top talent. Find out more
Easy to understand plan choices designed to help reduce the impact of ill health in the workplace.