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Nuffield Health helps people get healthy and stay healthy through a network of over 200 facilities across the nation. Our expertise combines health assessments, over 30 private hospitals, physiotherapy and medical services and over 50 health clubs across the country.
The health assessments delivered by Nuffield Health look at contemporary lifestyle issues such as stress, postural problems and nutrition. They all include a consultation with a highly trained doctor or a physiologist and time to talk through any specific health concerns.
We employ physiotherapists who are experts in their field and can provide you with all you need to help you with pain relief and rehabilitation. Our team come with a wealth of experience which is backed up by the latest treatment techniques and lifestyle advice to aid your recovery.
Our Fitness & Wellbeing Centres provide a comprehensive range of services that you wouldn’t usually find in a gym. As well as fitness facilities, there are on-site health MOTS, professionally trained health advisors, relaxation areas and regular health seminars.
Nuffield Health are offering special rates on health assessments, physiotherapy treatments and health club memberships to CIGNA Connect staff and friends and family - all from our conveniently located facilities across the UK.
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