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How we can help

Breast changes to look out for

Breast changes can happen for many reasons, and most of them aren’t serious.  However, it’s important that you do regular self inspections.  This will help you get used to how your breasts feel at different times of the month. That way, you can spot any changes that aren’t normal for you.

Here are some changes to look out for

It’s important that you go for further investigations as soon as you notice any of these changes.  This is because it’s important to rule out breast cancer.  If cancer is detected, then appropriate treatment should be planned as quickly as possible.  The earlier the cancer is caught the better the treatment outcome.

Find out more about breast cancer risks - here
Find out more about breast cancer symptoms and how to self-examine - here

If you are concerned about a change in your breast you can refer yourself for a OneStop breast cancer diagnostic service. In line with current best practice this offers a triple assessment in one appointment and includes:

When you need to refer yourself to a BreastHealth UK OneStop breast cancer diagnostic clinic

BreastHealth UK operate a UK-wide network of OneStop breast diagnostic clinics for women and men with breast symptoms. Clinics are based in a range of private hospitals around the UK.

What to expect during/following your appointment

You will be seen by the same specialist breast surgeon throughout. Our dedicated team of nurses are on hand to support you should you require treatment following the diagnostic stage. You have the option to visit your GP for a referral if preferred. You also have the option to visit a OneStop breast clinic or a clinic of your choice.

Download our flyer for more information.

Your Cigna nurse helpline is available Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm, Saturday 9am to 12pm.

We always advise that if you are very concerned about your health that you discuss it with your GP wherever possible. They are best placed to know your medical history and give you advice on the best course of action for you.

Whether you refer yourself or through your GP, you should always contact us to check your cover at every stage of treatment.


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