I've not been to see my GP

How we can help


If you are concerned about your mental health we may be able to help. If your plan has a mental health benefit you can refer yourself to our emotional wellbeing support services. To make it as easy as possible for you to access emotional wellbeing support, we provide quick access to a range of services.

You can refer yourself for:


Psychotherapy is a talking therapy that can help you manage your problems by changing the way you think and behave.  There are many different types of psychotherapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the more commonly known psychotherapies and can be used to treat many mental health conditions. There are however other types of psychotherapy that may be more suited to your condition. Our mental health nurses will work with you and our preferred provider Nuffield Health to determine what type of treatment is most appropriate for you.

Psychiatric care

Our mental health nurses or Nuffield Health therapists may determine that psychiatric care rather than psychotherapy is more appropriate for you. This might be the case if you require medication or inpatient care. Nuffield Health will arrange an appointment with a psychiatrist on your behalf and our mental health nurses will liaise directly with them on your treatment plan.

Our mental health nurses are available to support you by providing help and advice, and where necessary will fast track you to appropriate treatment. They’ll help make sure you get the care you need, at the right time, in the right setting, with the best possible outcomes.

Online self-help

We also offer an online self-help tool based on the principles of CBT, called Living Life to the Full. This is suitable for those with mild to moderate stress, anxiety and depression. Our nurses may recommend this to you while you wait for other treatment to begin. The online courses offer exercises and strategies to help you tackle feelings of low mood, stress and anxiety. As it can be accessed quickly and easily, Living Life to the Full can be an effective form of early intervention. To access Living Life to the Full simply visit your member portal at www.cigna.co.uk/members.

The following links may be helpful for those with an interest in mindfulness:

Your Cigna nurse helpline is available Monday to Friday, 8am – 8pm, Saturday 9am to 12pm.

Please remember to check your plan details to make sure you are eligible for this cover and to see if any limits apply. You should always contact us to check your cover before going ahead with any treatment.

Useful resources

Here are some useful resources you might like to explore to help you:

  • Find out more about Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - here
  • Find out more about the CBT assessment - here

The following links may be helpful for those with an interest in mindfulness:

We always advise that if you are very concerned about your health that you discuss it with your GP wherever possible. They are best placed to know your medical history and give you advice on the best course of action for you.

If you feel your problems are overwhelming there are many people you can talk to who can help you work through the feelings you are experiencing. If this describes how you’re feeling, don’t delay and call them today.


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